Here you can book a party room

The party room can accommodate 30 people and is located at Väktargatan 62, under the laundry room. The room has a table and chairs and a fully equipped kitchen with glassware, crockery, dishwasher, stove, oven, etc. Toilet available. The rent is 300 SEK on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Holidays, Days before holidays and SEK 150 on other weekdays. The deposit fee is 500 kr. Please note that the booking system might differ from this and only gives a preliminary cost.

NOTE! If it is not possible to book the party room in the calendar, despite the room not being booked or reserved, this indicates that the booking has been closed by the group responsible for rentals. During summer- and christmas holidays it is not unusual that this occurs due to leave. If the rental is closed outside of the vacation times, this indicates that the rental group of the board has become to small and can not handle any rentals. If you want to be part of the rental group, contact us through the contact form on this website!

Please note that the premises can only be rented by residents at väktargatan. As well as cancellation must take place no later than 48 hours before booking date, otherwise a fee will be charged. Booking requests confirmations will be sent by email. Do note that bookings are not approved until you receive another email stating this. Note that the booking confirmation may end up in the spam. We reserve the right to deny bookings if they are done close to the booking date or if none of our rental managers have the time to administer the booking. The booking party has the responsibility to check their email and spam box for confirmation or denial emails. Confirmation can be expected at the earliest two weeks before the booking occurs.

Please read the lease for the party room. You find the lease here: Party Room

Do you wanna rent the party room to use it for a local association? The board has now made it possible to rent the party room for free Mondays until Thursdays provided that the association hosts acitivities that are beneficial to the community. Do note that these activites has to be open for anyone living at Väktargatan. More information about this can be found here.

OBS – Bokningen är stängd tills vidare på grund av för få engagerade i styrelsen // Booking is closed until further notice due to lack of engagement in the board.

Please mark the days you want to book.
The bookings are valid from 12:00 on the selected day/days to 12:00 the next day.
Kalendern laddas...
- Free
- Occupied
- Preliminary Reserved

First name(Mandatory):



Phone number(Mandatory):

Your Street(Mandatory):


Read with precaution through everything so that you entered the correct address and date. We ask you to note that your booking is preliminary. The reservation applies only when we have confirmed it.

 booking conditions
